20 years ago
* Ported my whole drawing to Cairo. Some screenshot on the blog:
* Got some patches against Mono.Cairo ready to send to Hisham.
It seems we need to upgrade the bidings to the newer version of Cairo.
* Moved my framecache to the unmanaged & implemented a nice,
threaded, balanced binary tree based lookup system.
* Implemented a basic plugin system with backend plugins working.
* More work on the internals. Contrary to my first
assumptions, Gdv is now a full G-Object based library that's (will be)
bound 1:1 to the managed.
* Well, I just want to put together & tweak all the stuff I've
got to produce a nice demo.
* I need to investigate into Mono.Cairo. It seems there are
some huge memory leaks. After a few dozen of GUI redrawing iterations
the memory usage goes to 500MB... sigh. This is even though I call all
the IDisposable methods manually, so I suppose it has something to do
with resources being lost in Graphics.Save / Restore.
* Ported my whole drawing to Cairo. Some screenshot on the blog:
* Got some patches against Mono.Cairo ready to send to Hisham.
It seems we need to upgrade the bidings to the newer version of Cairo.
* Moved my framecache to the unmanaged & implemented a nice,
threaded, balanced binary tree based lookup system.
* Implemented a basic plugin system with backend plugins working.
* More work on the internals. Contrary to my first
assumptions, Gdv is now a full G-Object based library that's (will be)
bound 1:1 to the managed.
* Well, I just want to put together & tweak all the stuff I've
got to produce a nice demo.
* I need to investigate into Mono.Cairo. It seems there are
some huge memory leaks. After a few dozen of GUI redrawing iterations
the memory usage goes to 500MB... sigh. This is even though I call all
the IDisposable methods manually, so I suppose it has something to do
with resources being lost in Graphics.Save / Restore.
Michał Dominik K.
Michał Dominik K.